TeeBox Makes Golf More Fun!

Organizing friends to play golf can be such a hassle. There's no easy way to communicate with everyone and keep track of who can play at the designated time and location. The TeeBox Mobile Golf app solves this problem by allowing golfers to arrange a round of golf and easily coordinate to determine who is available to play. Download the app today!

It is Awesome

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Easy To Use

This app is ideal for golfers on the go who want to spend less time organizing who can play and more time having fun while actually playing golf. The interface allows you to easily setup an invite that show where to you will be playing, how many spots are available as well as when and when you plan on playing.

Share Photos

Not only can you use the app to setup and tract track who can play but you can also use the chat function to communicate. The built in photo gallery allows users to upload photos to the profile and also to share with friends and across social media.

Great Chat Function

We’ve all been there when we send out a group text to see who can play and the next thing you know you are trapped in a group message that isn’t even talking about golf any more. Teebox drills down to the function of sending your designated friends an invite to plat and allows friends to respond accordingly. After everything is said and done TeeBox's chat funtion makes it easy to communicate with frineds without annoying group text messages.


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